Creating a random face generator in p5.js.
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New random frog is generated with mouse click. Size/proportions and color variations use the p5.js random() function, parts/features will maintain their general positions on the face. Mouse position determines background color.
For the frog, I was inspired by a stuffed frog sitting on my desk. I ultimately went with this frog idea because it seemed the most doable for my level of knowlege and the time frame.
I started by just placing the basic shapes and finding the general range I wanted to randomize the values within. I tested and adjusted the values with each other to make sure I was getting the frog shapes I wanted.
As a counter to the randomness of the frogs, I wanted to add some aspect the user had a degree of control over. I set the x and y position of the mouse (divided by 2) to the red and green color channels respectively, and the blue channel set at 100.
To make it more interesting and worth interacting with longer, I added a counter displaying the "specimen #".