Designing and applying a logo for a made up company/entity.
RGB blue is used for the standard coloration, but is also situationally changeable/variable.

Brand Concept
BLOB is an online and in-person art gallery/exhibition space, catered towards creative technology works.
The intended mood and personality of BLOB is modern, playful, a little techy, but not too serious or fancy.
Ideation & Iteration
As per assignment, I came up with numerous variations for a text, symbol, and combo style logo.
From the start I knew I wanted some image of an organic blob shape or form juxtaposed with something angular and geometric like a square or rectangle. I took that idea through text, symbol, and combo type logos.
The name “BLOB” holds meaning so I wanted to include that in the logo for sure, and it’s not so many letters that it would be too much to do so either. And after ideating with the different logo types, I found that the combo of text and symbol would work best with my concept, or rather, using text in a more graphic way, accompanied with symbols/shapes.
I found that combining different aspects of different ideas helped to really point out what specific parts I liked and was looking for, and what parts weren’t doing so much.

I decided to roughly render out two similar ideas I was deciding between in Adobe Illustrator to see how they would translate to a digital canvas with a more precise look. I ultimately ended up going with the rounder version as it better conveyed my juxtaposition concept. Working in Illustrator brought up a whole new set of specifics I had to decide on, specifically line width, outline/no outline, and color. I really wasn’t thinking about color in my initial planning, and had just designated a “dark” and “light” area for the sake of contrast.